Joy and Contentment

“The world is a place where the extraordinary can sit just beside the ordinary with the thinnest of boundaries.” Jodi  Picoult
One way or another
Life happens
Sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s not
But, I do believe we have a choice on how we live
When faced with uncertainty and change
We can be fearful and full of doubt 
Or we can choose joy and contentment 
I want to live a life that’s full of joy and contentment
I feel like joy and contentment are great words to live by
A good way to be in the world 
The things that I choose to do 
Come through the filter of those two words
It’s a much different head space than driving trying to be successful 
Striving to earn more money than the month before 
It’s much slower 
Definitely more spiritual to think about life in this way 
Instead of feeling embarrassed because I’m not earning 
I feel proud that I am learning how to be a good human
I’m being present with my days and my thoughts  
Yes, I’ve floundered and wandered aimlessly
We are not staying here and we haven’t gone yet
I am in another liminal space 
Waiting to leave but wanting to enjoy every minute until we do 
As this chapter winds down and another waits to be written 
Hazrat Inayat Khan said,Life is what it is, you cannot change it; but you can always change yourself.”
I will sit in my life and be available for the joy to come in the ordinary moments and the inevitable extraordinary ones that I know are on the way 


The language of hard things


What makes a life?