Now what?

Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian in history has a documentary on mental health and what life has been like since the last Olympic Games
It’s called the Weight of Gold, in it someone says,
“It’s gold and then what?”
Everyone is sexy in the spotlight
But, when it’s all over
Now what?
Michaels whole life had been structured around
Getting the gold
Again and again
And now he is retired and asking
Now what?
I have asked that question a million times since I’ve gotten better
I can no longer do my old job
I am well enough to do something else
But what?
I used to think that my busy schedule was a symbol of success
A calendar full of client meetings meant money and meaning
I made that my purpose
I was walking home yesterday from a lunch with a brand new friend
We had Mexican food and a really great conversation
Someone I reached out to as a stranger, is now a friend
I am starting to believe that with one person at a time
whether it’s coffee or lunch to take the time to listen and be present
Sharing stories
Asking questions
Going beyond small talk
Those moments don’t make money
But, they make sense
Success will be defined for me, in a completely different way
I’m not busy but I am fulfilled
I like the way my new calendar looks
So how about you?
Are you asking, now what?
You’re newly divorced
An empty nester
It’s easy to look in the rear view and then ahead and wonder
What now?
Who am I?
Which way do I go from here?
Maybe the soil we ripped up with clenched hands and watered with tears while we were at our worst and lowest
Will be fertile and grow a better life
We have the time to prune
Discard what doesn’t make us better
Decide not to go back to the grind
Focus on what brings in joy and do that
Like having lunch with a friend


Who’s talking?


I’m just sayin