The sound of a train

“Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance
Everybody thinks it's true”  Paul Simon

The sound of a train
It’s always reminded me of home
The one where I was raised 
It is an old house and the windows are large
Trains go through that town all day and night and hearing that whistle can put me into a deep sleep that only a child knows
Michael and I have moved into a new place
A totally different part of town
And here, I can hear trains going by
It’s so soothing
It got me thinking about what makes a home
What makes someone comfortable 
I know for me, that place is wherever Michael is 
Our new place has our old stuff
The same dog looks out a different window
We are content 
The trains go by here night and day and the sound, slows me
Enough to think about all the movement in the world 
All the commotion and chaos and 
All the caring and kindness 
Our life will go by as swiftly as a loaded locomotive 
The whistle is ours to make 
The sound of our lives
Our love
Our connection to each other 
The tracks are everywhere 
I hear one now in the distance and just like it did when I was a kid, it lets me know
That I am home


The purpose and the point


One way or another