Mirror, mirror on the wall…

We are all going to have a lot more time at home, the next couple of weeks  
Instead of getting irritated at the people who share your house, get curious about yourself
I’m wondering who you see, when you look into the mirror 
Do you see flaws and wrinkles or do you see, you-       
The you who is vibrant and alive  
I have a girlfriend who is beautiful and kind and generous and funny and is always there to listen and help or have lunch
I’m sure she sees her reflection and says, “ I look fabulous!”
How would it look if you looked at you, like that?
If you saw your beauty and your joy
If you weren’t critical but complimentary 
Kinder to that person looking back at you
Saw yourself, with delight instead of dismay
Smiled at the face in the mirror and said thanks, for all of it 
I am going this week for my annual eye exam 
It’s always easier to read with new glasses  
It’s amazing to me how much clearer the words on a page are 
But, when you look at your life 
Are you the version of you, you wanted to be? 
Are you doing what you love 
or what you have to  
Is there something you are dreaming of
Waiting for 
Praying about 
But, still haven’t done
Is there a part of you that wants to see more clearly, who you really are
I am kind of who I always thought I’d be
Partly her
But, mostly I still feel like I’m becoming 
I still feel like I’ve got a lot to figure out 
I still feel like I’m looking for something 
I take a lot of online courses and I read incessantly 
I ask daily, “why am I here?”
I know I’ve been given a part two and I’m so incredibly grateful 
But, seriously what am I supposed to be doing? 
I envy my friends who have careers they love
Families they are raising or have raised
The trade I learned no longer suits me...
Pun, very intended 
So, I look each day and ask again-
“What’s my purpose?”
 I think for all of us who are looking into our lives and our bathroom mirrors and asking...
Am I who I want to be?
Am I all I can be?
RuPaul always says, “ if you can’t love yourself how the hell you going to love somebody else?”
So, do you love yourself?
Are you proud today?
Were you kind?
Did you help someone feel better today?
These are all questions, that lead to joy
So, the next time you look in the mirror, really see who’s looking back at you
That person is fabulous, clearly


Alone, together


What about the fear?