The not knowing

How do you respond when you are unclear about what to do next?
When you really don’t know how it’s going to go 
There are times in all of our lives when we are in the dark
Unsure about the next step
Will the relationship finally heal or fall apart?
Will my loved one be okay?
Is that diagnosis correct?
There it is 
The not knowing 
That insecure way of being 
The liminal space where anything can happen 
Or nothing will 
We as humans love to be certain 
Certain our way to pray is the right way
Certain our interpretation is correct 
Certain of our certainty 
But, what if it’s not true?
What if it all turns out to be something entirely different?
Can you let go of needing closure? 
Can you release the need to have the answers?
Can you let what it is be what it is 
Without wanting to change it
Define it
Fix it or fight it 
We live under a myth 
All of us 
All the time 
We believe we have control
We honestly think we should be able control the weather 
Have you ever had weekend plans at the beach and it rained the whole time?
How did you react?
Did you get mad and frustrated?
Very few of us would put on flip-flops and just go dance in it
I think a lot of us have a lot of things that we will never have answers for 
There will never be a full or complete explanation of why it did or didn’t happen 
There is no possibility of closure 
But, I believe we can choose to have peace about it
Let it go and let it be what it is
I understand that the big lesson may be just that
Letting what it is,  be what it is
And being okay anyway 


To Life


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